Request status icons

Modified on Wed, 23 Aug, 2023 at 11:46 AM

Within askmyGP you can go to 'View past requests' to view any current or past request which you have previously submitted. On this screen, there are a number of icons that indicate the current status of the request, hovering over these icons will tell you what they mean, but we will also explain below:


1. mceclip1.png Unread Messages - The practice have sent a reply to your message which you have not yet read

2. mceclip2.png Closed - The practice have completed your request and it is now closed to further messages

3. mceclip3.png Assigned - Your request has been assigned, hover over the icon to see who it's assigned to

4. mceclip4.png Unassigned - Your request has been received, but has not yet been assigned to a clinician