Quick filters

Modified on Thu, 24 Aug, 2023 at 1:39 PM

Under the Requests tab, you can make use of the ‘Quick Filters’ feature.quick_filters.jpg

new_requests.jpg New Requests

By clicking on this filter button in the Requests tab you will only see the new requests that haven't yet been assigned.

If you are training and you created a test patient, you should see that patient in this list.

assigned_requests.jpg Assigned Requests

Click on this filter to see all of the requests that have been assigned to either a group or an individual.

assigned_to_me.jpg Assigned To You

Click on this filter button to see all of the patient requests assigned to yourself.

waiting.jpg Awaiting a Reply

This filter button lists all of the patient requests that have been responded to by Secure Message and you are now awaiting a response from the patient.

completed.jpg Completed Requests

List is a list of all patient requests that have been completed.

The request can be re-opened if necessary. Just click on the patient name and then on the 'Re-Open' button at the bottom of the page.

filter.jpg Request Search

This filter button will bring up a box to enable you to find a patient request. You will only need to enter one field, i.e. Surname, Forename, etc in order to bring up a list of patients that have made a request via askmyGP.

See our walkthrough guide here.