When a patient submits a request during opening hours, they will immediately receive a message at the bottom of their request thread:
"Thank you, the service is open, and we will respond as soon as possible. Please look for any emails from no-reply@askmygp.uk. Please have your phone available as we may need to call you. Calls may be recorded by the practice for training, monitoring and audit purposes."
If the practice is open to out of hours requests and the patient submits their request outside your usual hours, they will immediately receive a message at the bottom of their request thread:
"Thank you, the service is currently closed for askmyGP requests. We have received yours and will respond when the service re-opens. Look for any emails from no-reply@askmygp.uk. Please have your phone available as we may need to call you. Calls may be recorded by the practice for training, monitoring and audit purposes."
When the request is completed by the practice, the patient will immediately receive a message at the bottom of their request thread:
"Thank you for using the askmyGP service. We have now completed your request, and you are welcome to leave a comment on our feedback form."
When the request is set to 'Await reply' and the checkbox to 'inform patient' has been checked, the patient will immediately receive a message at the bottom of their request thread:
"If you wish to reply, please do so as soon as possible. This request will be held open until DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM, after which it will be closed automatically if we do not hear from you"
When the request is automatically completed, after it has been set to 'Await reply', the patient will immediately receive a message at the bottom of their request thread:
Thank you for using the askmyGP service. We had set your request to wait to allow you the opportunity to respond should you need to. As there is no response, we have now closed your request. You are welcome to leave a comment on our feedback form.
If the practice is 'Closed to new requests' after hours, when the patient logs into the application they will be unable to create a new request and will instead see the orange message below:
"(Surgery name) is currently unavailable for online requests"
The above messages are askmyGP pre-set messages and are not customisable by the practice.