Vision writeback configuration: Connecting your clinical system to Evergreen Connect

Modified on Tue, 26 Mar, 2024 at 2:23 PM

askmyGP uses the Evergreen Connect API to integrate with your clinical system, allowing you to writeback patient request summaries, attachment files and coded data. 

To take advantage of this functionality, you must have:

  • The required level of access within Vision (step 1)
  • Linked account between the two systems (step 2)

For each case to be filed you must have: A patient with an NHS number and verified identity and Matching Surname and DOB between askmyGP and the clinical record.

We recommend you test with a simple example, with a small number of people (i.e. one or two individuals) before rolling out within the practice.

If you feel that you need assistance after reading this document, feel free to find further help by clicking mceclip0.png from within the askmyGP application.

Note: For our full guide on clinical system integrations, how to initiate a writeback request from within askmyGP as well as how to manage failed filings and much more, please click here

Step One – User permissions

In order to automatically file askmyGP consultations into the Vision patient record, you must ensure that your staff user profile within Vision has the required level of access to be able to view and update patient records.

We would suggest users who are a member of the ‘Clinicians’ user group, and we have found that the following user types can all file successfully:

  • Partner
  • Assistant
  • Locum
  • Other Health Care Professional
  • GP Registrar
  • Senior Partner
  • Practice Nurse

Step Two – Enable askmyGP users

From the askmyGP provider portal

  1. Go to Staff
  2. Search for the person who will use the writeback feature


  3. Click Edit (lower right) and then add their Vision name into the box labelled ‘Medical Record System User ID’

    Important note: This is the forename and surname as it appears in the Vision staff record, separated by a space, e.g 'James Smith'. You should not enter the username, login ID or initials etc here, only their forename and surname as per the example.

  4. Click Update
  5. Repeat for others who need writeback

Alternatively, the Vision user details can be added via ‘Settings > My Profile’ by each person themselves.

Note: if the Medical Record User ID is added whilst the user is logged in to a session, they would need to manually refresh their browser for the change to pull through and allow them to begin using writeback.


Whilst using the askmyGP>Vision integration, there are a few things you may wish to be aware of:

  • Vision records third party filings under the code ‘extended hours access - enhanced services administration’:

  • Each successful filing from askmyGP into Vision will generate a new 'incoming mail' notifying you of the successful filing, as below:

  • Vision consultations filed automatically via askmyGP will default to 'Priority 3' within the Vision patient journal. Should you need a particular consultation to be recorded with a higher priority, you can locate it within the Vision record, select 'Edit' and then change the priority.