Message settings can be found by selecting 'Settings', 'My Profile':
And then selecting the 'Message settings' tab along the top of the profile screen:
From here you can set your own preferences for 'Message view' and 'Default to Internal message'.
Further details for each of these options can be found below.
Message View
Message view allows you to choose your preference for how patient requests and form submissions will appear when viewed in the practice portal.
You can choose from the following four options, with each one changing the way that request details will be displayed:
Plain -This option will be set by default and renders the questions and responses side by side:
Table - Displays the request data in a table with questions and responses separated into two different columns:
Stacked - Separates the questions and responses onto different rows and stacks them vertically:
List - Also stacks the question and responses, but with the responses indented on the row below each question:
Message to patient/Internal note default
This option allows you to choose which tab is highlighted by default when adding a message response to a request:
Message to patient - This option is set by default. When this tab is highlighted, any message you send will be seen by the patient, or the parent/carer who raised the request on their behalf
Internal Note - When this tab is highlighted, any message you send will only be visible to other members of staff within your practice, or other users within your network with whom the request has been shared.