EMIS writeback configuration: Connecting your clinical system to Evergreen Connect

Modified on Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 4:22 PM

Note: Clinical system integration is currently only available in England

askmyGP uses the Evergreen Connect API to integrate with your clinical system, allowing you to writeback patient request summaries, attachment files and coded data. To take advantage of this functionality, the steps below must be undertaken by someone in the practice with full administrative rights.

To enable writeback you must have:

  • A dedicated evergreen user (step 1)
  • Enabled/correctly configured users within the API (step 2)
  • Linked account between systems (step 3)

For each case to be filed you must have: A patient with an NHS number and verified identity and Matching Surname and DOB between askmyGP and the clinical record. 

We recommend you test with a simple example, with a small number of people (i.e. one or two individuals) before rolling out within the practice.

Note: If you feel that you need assistance after reading this document, feel free to find further help by clicking mceclip0.png from within the askmyGP application.

Step One – Create a dedicated user 

This user is intended for the sole use of the API interface and no person should be given the capability to log in. No-one should be given the password. 

  1. Log into your EMIS account.

1.1. Go to Configuration > Organisation Configuration 

  1. Add > New User 

2.1. First screen – populate with the below. For any not mentioned, please leave blank or as default.

Change title, name, gender to Mr Evergreen Connect - Male
Add the practice manager’s email address
Username – Evergreen(ODS) (For example 'EvergreenP12345')
Password – Set a complex password and do not disclose it to anyone; keep it temporarily for the next step

2.2. Second Screen – populate with the below. For any not mentioned, please leave blank or as default.

Job category – General Medical Practitioner
Appointment Session Holder, Consulter – No
User Mnemonic ‘EG’ – or other if you prefer, not critical
Other Role section options to ‘No’ or empty
Contractual relationship – Employed by Practice
Contract Start Date – Today
Contract End Date – leave blank
Professional number – leave blank. Ignore the warning about these upon filing

2.3. Third Screen (Languages) 

Leave blank

2.4. Fourth Screen (User Role Profiles) 

RBAC Role – Clinical Practitioner Access Role

2.5. All other screens – leave unpopulated/accept defaults

Step Two – Activate Evergreen Connect

  1. Go to EMAS Manager > Partner API (tab on bottom left)

  2. Find the Evergreen Connect application in the left column – Note the name may differ slightly but should begin with ‘Evergreen’
  3. With that highlighted click Edit Users (top row third from left).
  4. Find the user you created above and check the box next to their name
  5. Enter the password you created above
  6. Whilst in the ‘Edit users’ section, find and check the names of all users that you wish to be able to use the writeback feature.

(You will shortly need the EMIS username for each person who will use the writeback service)

  1. Click ‘OK’ 
  2. Click ‘Activate application’ (top left).

** Important**
To ensure each EMIS user can use the functionality, please ensure that the 'default' profile for each user is able to file to patient records, and the user’s privileges include the RBAC roles “Manage Detailed Health Records B8029” or “Perform Detailed Health Record B0380”.

Step Three – Enable askmyGP users

From the askmyGP provider portal

  1. Go to Staff
  2. Search for the person who will use the writeback feature


  3. Click Edit (lower right) and then add their EMIS username into the box labelled ‘Medical Record System User ID’
  4. Click Update
  5. Repeat for others who need writeback

Alternatively, the EMIS user ID can be added via ‘Settings > My Profile’ by each person themselves.

Note: if the Medical Record User ID is added whilst the user is logged in to a session, they would need to manually refresh their browser for the change to pull through and allow them to begin using writeback.