Request 'Advanced Search'

Modified on Tue, 7 May, 2024 at 1:59 PM

When logged in as a staff user, from the 'Requests' screen, you will note a number of icons across the top of the screen.

If you were looking for a particular request, or wish to see a list of requests which meet a specific set of criteria, you could use the magnifying glass icon on the right-hand side to perform an advanced search:

Clicking this will return the screen below, which allows you to select which criteria to include in your request search:

Each of these options will be explained below:

  • Assigned to - allows you to search for requests assigned to a specific user, or group
  • Include - allows you to choose whether you include requests which are currently in 'Await reply' state and/or 'Completed' requests. Both of these options will be ticked by default, if you untick them, only requests which are in 'new' or 'assigned' will be returned
  • Request ID If you know the request ID you wish to retrieve, you can search it here to view the request in full, useful if you need to go back into a request to view or delete attachments, or delete the request entirely
  • Date of Birth - Search for requests pertaining to patients with a specific Date of Birth
  • Surname - Search for requests pertaining to patients with a specific Surname
  • Completed between dates - Search for requests completed between a specific set of dates, useful if you are trying to find a request that was managed on a certain day, but can't remember the name of the patient in question, or for retrospectively reviewing or auditing requests within a given time period.
    Note: if the completed box has been ticked at the top, as well as setting 'completed between dates' then only requests completed in this period will be returned
  • Tag - Allows you to filter by requests which have had a specific 'Request' level tag applied (e.g 'sick note', 'medication request' etc), or requests relating to patients with a specific 'Patient' level tag applied(e.g 'Care home patient', 'Safeguarding' etc)
    For more details on 'Tags' please Click here

Combining criteria Any combination of the above criteria can be applied to filter down to the desired results, with the exception being the 'Request ID' which will ignore any other criteria set and will only return a single result based on the request ID specified.

Important note: Requests are archived 3 months after completion, so you may need to select 'Show earlier requests' to load in any requests which have been completed more than 3 months ago.