Within the staff creation and staff edit screens, you will find a 'Professional Group' field which provides a list of the standard roles specified for GPAD. In order for your GPAD reporting to accurately reflect the work performed by your practice team, it's important to ensure that each staff user has a 'Professional Group' specified in their record.
We recently made this field mandatory, so if you are trying to create, or update an existing record, you will be prompted to record a Professional Group for that staff user.
To update the Professional group of an existing staff record, select 'Staff' (1), then search for the record you wish to update (2) and then click to select it (3):
Then, choose 'Edit', click the search box in the 'Professional Group' field (1) and choose the Profession which best reflects that user's role, finally, click 'Update' (2) to save the record: